Dear Channon
thanks for posting your latest developments. They look very promising. However, there is one or two things you should follow more rigorously in terms of following the path to the end: You made extensive research on the veining of leaves, especially the pupeel leaves, which bear a reticulated veining condition. This is not visible in your high rise model. I would really appreciate if you can find a method on how to include the reticulated condition in your high rise design. Exedpt you can explain very clearly why you changed the strategy. 2nd: Your sunpath about using Ecotec for this analysis? I think it would output more reliable data, in fact you can analyse the ammount of solar radiation on your building as well as wind pressures etc...
All right Channon, keep me informed when you post something new...
Keep on going and stick to your Time schedule! Very important! Keep in time!
All the best,